App Santander
We publicly make pacts and commitments that promote ethical and responsible business.
We boost and encourage the adoption of good practices in our operations, relationship networks and sphere of influence. The implementation of the deals and commitments we make is managed and monitored in a process that involves several areas of the Bank.
Financial sector commitments
We are signatories of the Banking Self-Regulation of the Brazilian Federation of Banks (FEBRABAN), which complements the control mechanisms followed by financial institutions, establishing high standards of conduct for the sector.
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A risk management framework that establishes guidelines for the assessment of environmental and social risks in financing large industrial and infrastructure projects (Project Finance), such as hydropower plants and transmission lines.
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Business commitments
As signatories of the Global Compact in Brazil, we ratify this letter of intent, committing ourselves to take concrete actions to promote a green and inclusive economy.
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Created by the United Nations Environment Program (UN Environment), the document formalizes our commitment to lead, implement and foster cleaner production practices.
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We are signatories of the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption (Clean Company), which aims to promote a more fair and ethical market.
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Linking platform between companies committed to promoting the inclusion and appreciation of ethnic and racial diversity. In 2017, Santander became a signatory to the 10 Commitments for the Promotion of Racial Equality.
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Santander Brasil has made a commitment to support the UN campaign for equal rights and fair treatment for LGBTI people. This commitment includes the implementation of the Standards of Business Conduct, designed to reinforce a culture of diversity and to reduce discrimination in the workplace.
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We have incorporated into our strategy the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, a global agenda to tackle the world's most difficult problems by 2030.
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In 2017, we became a signatory of the joint initiative between UN Women and the UN Global Compact that offers guidance for companies to incorporate the values and practices for gender equality and women's empowerment into their businesses. The 7 principles provide clear and practical guidance on how to empower women in the workplace, labor market and in the community.
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Since 2006, we have been applying the principles of the Global Compact, the world's largest voluntary corporate responsibility initiative, to our management practices and relationships with third parties.
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This Pact establishes lines of action that signatory companies must develop to tackle slave labor in their supply chains.
Find out moreThis Pact establishes lines of action that signatory companies must develop to tackle slave labor in their supply chains.
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Find out moreThis Pact establishes lines of action that signatory companies must develop to tackle slave labor in their supply chains.
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We have adhered to the protocol from COP 21, held in 2015. Among the commitments is the reporting of levels of greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions produced by our activities in the state to the São Paulo State government.
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Commitment to transparency
With the IPO, we began to answer, in 2011, the CDP questionnaire, an international organization that has the largest database on corporate practices related to climate change in the world.
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In 2017, we joined the Carbon Disclosure Project initiative to engage our partners in the transition to more efficient and well-prepared businesses in a low carbon economy.
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We follow the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative to prepare our Book of Indicators, published with the Annual Report. We currently use the GRI Standards – Core reporting option.
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Our Book of Indicators, released jointly with the Annual Report, also follows the guidelines of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), showing, in an integrated manner, how we relate to the various types of capital that make up the business.
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This program has adapted to the national context of the use of the GHG tool, applied worldwide by companies and governments to carry out inventories of greenhouse gas emissions. We have been releasing our inventory since 2009, and every year we improve information gathering.
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